(505) 662-4490



In Business
About Sigma Science

A Nuclear Professional Services Company

Sigma Science is a New Mexico-based, small, disadvantaged business that provides comprehensive nuclear professional services to federal and commercial clients, including the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, and Department of Defense.

Founded in 1996, Sigma Science has delivered technical expertise and innovative solutions to complex problems across the nuclear security enterprise.  Leveraging decades of experience, demonstrated capabilities and extensive industry relationships, we help our clients achieve their goals.

Sigma Science

What We Do

Sigma Science is a small, disadvantaged business with more than 115 resources and access to hundreds of nuclear subject matter experts (SMEs), engineers, scientists, and professional staff. We provide specialized nuclear professional services and technical solutions for some of the industry’s most difficult nuclear materials and waste challenges. Our multi-disciplined personnel are industry-recognized technical experts in discrete elements of nuclear industry projects across the complex. Read more

Nuclear Safety

Ensuring nuclear surety and safety for our clients through:

  • Safety Basis. Sigma’s capabilities include development and implementation of Technical Safety Requirements (TSR), Documented Safety Analyses (DSA), Safety Analysis Reports (SAR), Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports (NSAR), Hazard Analysis Reports (HAR), and Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRA) under DOE, NNSA, and DoD requirements, such as 10 CFR 830, DOE O 410.1, DOE O 413.3B, and DOE-STD-1189. This includes new nuclear facilities and existing facility updates, modifications, and recategorization.
  • Nuclear Criticality Safety. Sigma staff include nuclear criticality safety engineers and SMEs who perform nuclear criticality safety evaluations, criticality parameter studies, and criticality parameter sensitivity studies.
  • Operational Readiness. Sigma staff participate in management assessments and operational readiness reviews and provide conduct of operations mentoring, lessons learned, reviews, and assessments.
  • Fire Protection/Systems Engineering. Sigma staff develop Fire Hazard Analyses (FHAs); conduct initial condition assessments; support fire protection, alarm, and suppression system design and operations; conduct fire protection-related design reviews; and support fire protection system upgrades.

Nuclear Construction Services

Helping our clients complete successful capital construction projects with:

  • Project Management and Controls. Sigma has the proven ability to agilely provide high-quality project management and controls resources, including project managers, project controls professionals, cost estimators, and schedulers in support of major capital construction projects.
  • Engineering Design Reviews. Sigma deploys multi-discipline engineering teams to conduct design reviews at each phase of the DOE O 413.3B Critical Decision Process.
  • Safeguards and Security (S&S) Oversight. Sigma brings significant S&S expertise for development of safeguards and security plans and support of S&S oversight and assessments.
  • Risk Management. Sigma risk management professionals can develop and/or review project-specific risk management plans, procedures, risk registers, including evaluation of mitigations for efficacy.
  • Quality Assurance. Sigma quality assurance experts conduct quality and quality management support tasks, evaluate approved suppliers, perform assessments, and investigate quality assurance/quality control concerns.

Nuclear Weapons Program Engineering

Supporting the nuclear weapons program through:

  • Weapons Engineering. Sigma’s weapon engineers have spent their career working in and supporting the U.S. nuclear weapons modernization and stewardship programs. This includes supporting warhead maintenance and evaluation, production support, R&D, and certification activities. Sigma engineers also work closely with DOE/NNSA’s M&Os in their nuclear weapons product realization efforts.
  • Stockpile Sustainment. Sigma is actively supporting the NNSA Defense Program’s execution of the Stockpile Stewardship Program through our technical support services for NA-122.1. In this effort, Sigma engineers perform life-cycle sustainment analyses and assessments, integrated stockpile sustainment business, organizational process, and performance based management, and stockpile operations and logistics.
  • Nuclear Weapon Surety. Sigma supports both NNSA and DoD in their weapon surety missions, ensuring the adequate protection of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Sigma SMEs bring decades of experience working in weapon safety, weapon security, and weapon reliability through sustainment and testing, while protecting the public health, safety, and environment from potential adverse consequences of nuclear weapon operations. From direct hands-on support for weapon sustainment to performing independent design assessments for DoD weapon storage and generation facilities, Sigma engineers are well experienced in the entire nuclear weapon lifecycle activities required to ensure unwavering weapon surety.

Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation

Supporting the nuclear security enterprise through:

  • Nuclear Material Safeguards and Security. Capabilities include defense nuclear security; security policy and programs; security oversight and assessment; security risk review; security analysis, response, and testing; systems engineering; classified document management and control; classified visits and access requirements. Sigma staff include security program analysts, weapons analysts, project controls, systems engineers, and project managers.
  • Material Control and Accountability. Capabilities include Nuclear Material Control and Accountability program development, review and assessment and nuclear materials inventory support.
  • Nonproliferation. Sigma staff provide services in the areas of fissile materials disposition, international plutonium management, nuclear materials attractiveness, detection, proliferation resistance, nonproliferation research and development support, treaty verification, and next generation nuclear physical protection.
  • Global Security. Sigma staff include expertise in nuclear deterrence, nuclear surety, and physical security.
  • Cybersecurity. Capabilities include cybersecurity compliance reviews and information technology cybersecurity requirements determinations.

Nuclear Energy

Supporting the expansion of nuclear energy through expertise in:

  • Nuclear Technical and Advisory Services. Sigma has the proven ability to rapidly deploy staff to support nuclear energy needs in providing high-quality nuclear technical and advisory services. 
  • Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation. Through our newly formed small business joint venture with NAC International, we offer nuclear fuel storage and transportation solutions, including solutions for various forms of HALEU.  
  • Nuclear Quality Assurance. Sigma has nuclear quality assurance professionals on staff and access to additional SMEs to rapidly respond to requests to support nuclear quality program development, independent quality audits, assessments, and reviews. 
  • Nuclear Safety. With experience performing nuclear safety, criticality safety, and fire protection engineering services at numerous DOE sites, Sigma’s capabilities include development of Basis of Interim Operations, Documented Safety Analysis, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Final Safety Analysis Report, Fire Hazards Analysis, fire protection inspections, and systems engineering and support to audits and assessments. 

Technical Support Services

  • Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Engineering Services. Sigma provides nuclear and non-nuclear engineering services to the DOE and DoD. These services include mechanical, electrical, and nuclear engineering for nuclear transport systems (rail cars); weapon storage and handling systems such as lifts and cranes; and nuclear facility engineering services such as fire protection engineering, mechanical design, constructability, and manufacturing. 
  • Management and Advisory Support. Sigma provides advisory services for both DOE-NE and NNSA in the areas of weapon generation and storage facility design review, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), nuclear non-proliferation R&D, requirements management, performance assessment, and quality assurance (QA).
  • Analysis and Classified Administrative Support. Sigma provides analysis and administrative support for NNSA at NNSA-HQ supporting NNSA-HQ’s classified control center, NNSA-122 NNSA’s Office of Nuclear Weapons Stockpile, and Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).
  • Communications. Sigma’s on-site teams assist in the management, preparation, generation, and delivery of communications and classified communications at NNSA-HQ’s correspondence control center; prepare and deliver reports; and coordinate technical and programmatic workshops for NNSA NA-22, non-proliferation R&D.
  • Independent Design Review and Assessments. Sigma engineers perform independent design reviews and assessments for construction activities and assess M&O performance being performed at NNSA Acquisition and Project Management Offices (Y-12 and Savannah River Site).

Through a joint venture with NAC International Inc. –-- Sigma-NAC Nuclear Solutions --- we also provide an integrated suite of solutions in waste analysis; problematic waste streams; advanced reactor fuels; and packaging, logistics, transport, and disposal for used fuel and radioactive waste.