(505) 662-4490

AFGSC/A4C—On-Site General Engineering Management and Advisory Support and On-Demand Engineering Design Firm Services for Design Reviews

Sigma Science provided engineering management, advisory support, and on-demand engineering services under a $900K two-year contract, awarded in September 2020. The contract was with the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command Office of Civil Engineering (AFGSC/A4C) at Barksdale Air Force Base (AFB) in Louisiana. The primary contract scope called for facilitating planning, developing, and integrating nuclear weapon generation facility, infrastructure, and operational engineering requirements to support AFGSC’s and the Air Force Nuclear Enterprise’s long-term plans and strategies. In providing On-Demand Engineering and Design Firm Services, Sigma assisted in reviewing nuclear essential system designs for nuclear weapon generation facilities to verify engineering analysis and calculations and compliance with regulations. Following the contract deliverables requirements list (CDRL), Sigma developed and submitted the following deliverables:

  • Contract Management Plan.
  • Quality Management Plan.
  • Program Progress Reports and Quarterly Management Reviews.
  • Studies, technical reports, and information papers.

Key contract accomplishments:

  • Provided nuclear engineering services at Barksdale AFB, providing facility nuclear certification expertise to support implementing nuclear certification requirements in AFMAN 91’s series.
    • AFI 91’s series, AFI 63-125, FC 4-420-07F (and all other Air Force, DODI, DODM, DOD Directive, and MIL-STD publications about nuclear safety and surety requirements for weapon generation facilities (WGF) under design and construction at F.E. Warren AFB, Malmstrom AFB, Barksdale AFB, and Ellsworth AFB).
  • Conducted cybersecurity requirements review and study to develop an initial assessment agenda, points of contact (POC), and a risk management framework (RMF).
  • Developed the Information Technology Categorization and Selection Checklist (ITCSC) and RMF responses to codify the “information technology cybersecurity requirements” determination for WGF B.
  • Used new Secretary of Defense and USAF headquarters guidance documents to determine correct and applicable ITCSC levels for C-I-A before entering the RMF for legacy and new control systems.
  • Reviewed the 35% and 65% design submittals and provided comments for:
    • Barksdale AFB
    • Malmstrom AFB
    • Ellsworth AFB
  • Produced the Ellsworth AFB WGF-F Nuclear Safety Analysis Report.
    • Transmitted the 35% WGF-F Design Nuclear Safety Analysis Report (November 2021).
    • Transmitted the 65% WGF-F Design Nuclear Safety Analysis Report (June 30, 2022).